Website creation never was so easy
Have a nice day and I hope you will find what you are looking for!
papers and projects that I am involved in. Feel free to browse through this site and explore a little bit more about the things I do.
My name is A. Martin Kocsis and this is my website. Down below you can find key informations about me and also about the interesting
The main Areas of my Interest
Down below you can find the main topics related to my current interests. Click "Read more" to see
some of my projects associated with them.
Since my first international FGC 2022 robotics competition,
I am constantly developing my skills in the fields
of robotics and engineering.
I was 11 years old when I created my first own videogame,
and since then I realized that creating a game is
not different from creating a piece of art.
When they released the first model of ChatGPT, it immidately
grabbed my attention. In fact I am now creating
and training my own personal AI models.
Why would an individual like me make his own app?
For me apps are a great way to demo my ideas
and to see they viability in real situations.
I was 9 years old when I first encountered with a Virtual Reality
headset. Altough I could not buy one back then with
some ingenuity I built my own setup for free.
I belive websites are the ultimate way to express your ideas
and share valuabe things about yourself with others.
Also building this website helped me a lot.
More on Me
The main reason I created this website was to share and grow some of my ideas and current experiences with the world.
Altough I am constanly developing myself and my skills, I think it is necessary to provide people an overview of my
current set of skillsets.
Click "About Me" to view my Academic record
The topics and threads in my papers are only coming from my own thoughts.
I never intentionally copy other people unique ideas and my goal is to
bring in my own perspective and research into these writings.
Altough the content of my papers are mostly based on my own knowledge and own
ideas, I try to well prepare myself in every topic based on the genre of my writing,
as well as trying to express my thoughts only through objective methods.
In order to keep the integrity of my papers I never use any kind of
AI language model or text generator while writing. Every word
I commit to paper is coming directly and only from me.
I created this "html" website from scratch only using "Chrome DevTools". If you
would like to see something similiar reach out for me at anytime. Also if you
have anything else I might be able to help you with just click: "Contact Me"
I have a secret for you! Click on this link: